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Hair Recycling


Bundle the hair
You can send hair to us from ANY brand (or even donate your own hair!) as long as it is 100% human hair and neatly secured into bundles with elastic bands or string (not necessary with wigs). You could even plait it to keep it extra secure!
Please don't send sweepings or hair under 6 inches in length.

Post it to us
Simply pop your hair donation into a postal bag/envelope and send to the following address:
Recycling with Wilson Wigs
8 Stuart Close
Upton, Poole
BH16 5PU

Help others
Your old unwanted hair extensions and wigs will be given a new lease of life and offer those who cannot afford it the gift of great hair!
Please don't forget to send us your details with the parcel so we can send a massive thank you!!
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